What are JSA Students Up To?…

Good morning Friends!

Today we are bringing back “What are JSA Students Up To?” If you are new to our page, every Wednesday, we bring you exciting information about what the students are learning in their classrooms! This week we are kicking off our weekly segment with the Social Academic Classroom! The Social Academic Classroom, is for students who are able to demonstrate academic skills close to grade level but are in need of a different approach to instruction than that which would be provided in a typical setting.

The goal of this classroom is to increase social thought and perspective, problem solving, cognitive flexibility and executive functioning skills by providing explicit social skills training throughout the school day.We are back in full bloom with Gardening! Mr Kayne started this year’s gardening program off with a very eager and ready group of students in Ms Michelle’s Social class. With some familiar faces but also some new sprouts in the garden, everyone was excited to learn about what’s in store for this year’s gardening fun.

Starting their time off with a refresher, the Social class is always ready for an engaging discussion. They dug right in learning about plant life cycles, seed germination and ended with a tour around campus to catch up on all the gardening spaces.

#jsakidsrock #jsastrong #gardeninglife #plantingtheseedsofsuccess